Extra Nutrition need for Teenage Female Athletes

Inadequate dietary intake is more common among athletes than men. Good nutrition is important for active people to have enough energy during physical activity and recovery after activity.
Most teenage female athletes do not have enough courage in sports because of their weakness. Why do they have a weakness? Due to lack of adequate nutrition, they are weak. I would like to say that they suffer from various problems and want good nutrition. So we can sure need more nutrition for a teenage female athletes to get better performance in training

Nutrition in Endurance Athletes

It is well known that triathletes and runners consume 5 or 6 meals a day, while cyclists can consume 8 to 10 meals a day. This frequent feeding ensures that the athlete's high energy requirements are met, while the gastrointestinal discomfort associated with consuming large meals is reduced. Another important problem is that some skinny female doesn't want to train because they think if we do exercising then we will be more skinny but it is fully wrong thinking whatever if they want weight they can have female weight gain protein. But overall you need a healthy diet plan to get desired nutrition.

Nutritionist for the Athlete

The diet for athletes has three goals: 1) to maximize initial performance; 2) maintain maximum performance; and 3) fast recovery. For the athlete, good nutrition is necessary to maintain the menstrual cycle and bone health.
The menstrual cycle is an extra energy user, so athletes need to eat for both athletic performance and to maintain a normal menstrual cycle. Good nutrition also helps maintain a normal level of estrogen, a hormone that not only maintains the normal menstrual cycle but also stimulates bone growth. As a result, inadequate nutrition causes sports performance problems, the menstrual cycle, for example, a prolonged period between periods or complete cessation of menstruation and bone health.
If an athlete does not have sufficient calorie intake, this will affect athletic performance and bone development while causing abnormal menstruation.

Calories Instructions for Female Athlete

How should a teenage female athlete eat to achieve all these goals? First, you must eat enough calories every day because a calorie is the best nutrition for a teenage female athlete. Calories are equal to energy, not overweight. Then we can conclude having more than 40 calories per kilogram of weight in a day or 20 calories per pound. Therefore, an athlete weighing 120 pounds needs more than 2400 calories a day. This is the minimum amount of calories you need to maintain good health and good performance.
Since weight gain is often a problem, the athlete must first make sure that he or she consumes more of that amount every day and then monitors his weight. If she gains a few pounds, she should not worry! It just shows that she did not eat enough before. The extra calories really help to improve a teenage female athlete’s performance, which is her ultimate goal.
To further disaggregate, all athletes need at least 6 grams of carbohydrate (sugar and starch) per kilogram per day or 3 grams per pound, and 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram per day or 0.7 grams per book. An athlete who weighs 120 pounds (needs more than 2400 calories a day) should consume 360 grams of carbohydrates and 84 grams of protein a day. Since each gram of carbohydrates and protein provides four calories, these amounts are not equal to 1800 calories. The rest can be filled with healthy fats, carbohydrates or proteins.

They should eat after Training

Do you know what Olympic sports teams do after practice or play?
Within 1/2 to 2 hours after the match, your body will absorb better nutrients to replenish your muscles and energy levels. There is a valid research showing that it is true.
The answer to the question is: Within 30 minutes (1/2 hour), Olympic athletes will sit and eat. Research has shown that the closer an athlete approaches 30 minutes, the better. In the same way, you should eat certain foods before playing to optimize your energy level; the same is true after playing.

Why need Exercise for Female?

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, regular exercise offers a variety of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, preventing diabetes, improving health mood and cognitive functions and the reduction of mortality. For women, these benefits are extended through their unique combination of hormones and health risks.
"Many of the health problems facing women can be significantly improved through constant physical activity, which is one of the best prevention options available and should be promoted in childhood and throughout life", explains Dr. Horowitz.
Of course, exercise requires a lot of effort, time and self-discipline. So, why bother? Here are four ways in which exercise benefits women, regardless of age

What Nutrition for Teenage Female Athlete?

For decades, research has been conducted to determine the ideal amount of protein needed for muscle protein synthesis. Protein is also a primary nutrition for a teenage female athlete. Historically, most of this research has been done on men. The limited science that observes the differences between men and women indicates that men have a higher protein requirement than women because they oxidize (burn) more amino acids at rest and in motion. Because it is difficult to get accurate information about women, you can follow these guidelines closely or modify them based on your personal experience.
In terms of total protein, the recommendation of 1.7 to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day seems to be fairly accurate for women. Some people believe that more protein than this is even more effective, but researchers have shown that the muscle building effect reaches a maximum of 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram per day. The benefits of increased protein intake in the diet go beyond muscle hypertrophy.
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